Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holiday Anxiety

From the time I was little, I have always looked forward to holidays. It never really mattered which one, I just loved the holiday idea and the seasons. For instance Christmas for me was watching, everything come together-the gift buying, the gift giving,the gift receiving and the food. Thanksgiving.. well who are we kidding that was JUST the food. Easter was church, because its just a really neat service, baskets and candy candy and candy and dinner. Once again its all about food.

I could lie and tell you that I knew these holidays were more than that but honestly my mouth watered as I thought of each holiday approaching. See, my family are eaters and creators. We eat and eat and eat all our way through each Holiday. My mom is incapable of doing a holiday small so we start with appetizers and move all the way to MAJOR desserts. My level of anxiety over Easter (the first holiday since I started dieting) has been astronomical. I could eat my weight in reese peanut butter eggs-and I am here to tell you that I have not had ONE this year. I have not had a cadbury egg (last year over 3 days I ate a BJs size 3 lbs bag..alone.) I did break down and buy jelly belly jelly beans AFTER I found out that you can have 35 for 3 points. that may not sound like a lot if you are popping them in your mouth but it is if you ration them out for yourself. I have learned ways to make desserts that are tasty but good for me!

So now what are we going to do for dinner for Easter this year? well, due to some family events that sort of cramped our plans to go to my Moms, we are doing Easter at home (unless something changes in the next few days). My plan at this time is to still do Easter like Mom would. Only we will adjust and do a brunch after Mass, I plan to make (with DH help):

HG Cinnamon rolls
HG The Hakuna Fritata
a fruit salad (yummy yummy (Wiggles)
Mimosa's (2 points

For appetizers, I will lay out ham and pickle roll ups, a family tradition that i will tweak by using WW cream cheese! I also will do the HG stuffed Clams :o)~ And that is the apps. Now if the kids object to those we will throw in mini grilled cheese for them with a side of chips. Tada. Goodness knows they will be eating junkfood out the wazzooo all day Easter :o)~ but thats ok! We all did it as kids right?
Dinner I have had to put thought into, but I managed to come up with a decent meal I think:
Easter Pork Tenderloin from WW (4 points for a cup!)
The Pioneer Womans crash hot potatoes
Broc Casserole tweaked to be diet friendlier
Easter Rolls
while I may not eat the rolls or will eat just one that is what we will do for Easter dinner. It is a yummy filling meal! Perfect for the family as they all eat everything and it is also diet friendly for me. Which is important to me.
So than how do we handle dessert? Come on now. . you all have heard me sing the praises of the Hungry girl. I am sure there will be something in those cookbooks that I pull out to make for dessert. If nothing else it may be something as simple as making regular cupcakes for the kids (I don't use eggs or oil for the kids I use only seltzer or diet soda) and I will do a 100 calorie snack with a HG milk shake :o)~
I can survive the holidays I just have to be determined to do so. :o)~ And well to quote George Lopez "I got this" :o)~

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